Friday 24 February 2017

What’s New With Whatsapp “Status” Feature

It’s kinda mandatory step for every business to bring changes to product/services.
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. -Arnold Bennett
WhatsApp is been hit messaging application among other competitor’s App since its launch. More and more users are registering to get the best of free Messaging, Calling and Video calling service. People find WhatsApp most convenient way to connect to their friends, family and loved ones.
WhatsApp status is a great step by team to keep current users engaged with WhatsApp Application.
The new WhatsApp Status feature allows users to share pictures, videos, and GIFs with their contacts, which will disappear after 24 hours. If it does Sounds familiar to you than Just to remind you that the feature is similar to Instagram Stories and Snapchat feature.
‘Status’ has its own tab, located between the ‘Calls’ and ‘Chats’ tabs, in the WhatsApp Application. Within it, users will be able to view their contacts recent status updates and their replies they’ve received on their own status. Users also have the option to adjust their privacy settings to make their status visible only to specific contact or to all except specific contact, also by deleting their status, users can remove it from their contact’s phones, regardless of whether they’ve already viewed it or not.
Recently Mark Zuckerberg has announced his vision of video-first social media strategy and the recent updates on Facebook with Live video and Instagram Stories have been hit. Such Changes has diverted a large number of competitors user base.
WhatsApp Status, We have seen most of the people setting their status once and never changing it. While certain users constantly update it with the same frequency they post Facebook status updates, a large number either select one of the default statuses like ‘Hey there, I’m using WhatsApp’ or ‘Available’. Company wanted a change on eighth birthday, which is on February 24.
Only drawback for users with WhatsApp status is that it automatically removes the status after 24 hour. But eventually it’s not a drawback for WhatsApp team as it will be keep users engaged with WhatsApp and users need to continually visit whatsapp to change or update status within 24 hour.
So now when your best friend or family member or loved one is having Birthday or anniversary you can create video or gif and update it to status. Also with privacy setting you can show that particular status to one person or your chosen contacts. People can reply to your status when they see your status and user will be notify through chat with status link.
The new WhatsApp Status feature also opens a new opportunity for its parent-company Facebook to increase revenue through advertising. But the fact that WhatsApp is a no-nonsense messaging app. How the new Status feature, which will predictably open the marketing and advertising floodgates, will play out with its users remains to be seen.
Hope this Change will bring positive vibes to User database.
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